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Żółte ustaYellow lips, oil on canvas, 120x60cm | Nie patrzcie już na mnie i na moje oczyDon't look at me and my eyes anymore, oil on canvas, 100x80cm | Nic dobrego się nie stałoNothing good happened, oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2020. |
Jestem otwartaI'm open, oil on canvas, 130x100cm, 2019. | Trzymaj się, cześć! No cześć, papaTake care, bye, bye! Hey, bye bye, oil on canavs, 140x80cm | Te, te,te,te,te.Te, te,te,te,te, oil on canvas, 130x100cm |
Obierająca kartofleShe Peeling potatoes, oil on canvas, 130x100cm, 2019 | NIE CHCE.I do not want to, oil on canvas, 100x50cm, 2018 | Marzenka chcesz? Nie, ona nie chce.Marzenka want? no, she does not want to., oil on canvas, 100x80cm, 2019 |
Średnia żona byłaśAverage wife you was, oil on canvas, 140x80cm, 2018 | Santa AnnaSanta Anna, oil on canvas, 130x100cm | PiromankaMrs. Pyromaniac, 100x50cm, oil on canvas, 2018 |
Viva Espana!Viva Espana!, 130x100cm, oil on canvas, 2018 | Było, minęło. Kowalscy.It was, It passed.Kowalscy, 50x60cm, oil on canvas, 2018 | Jak czekasz.As you wait, 130x100cm, oil on canvas, 2019 |
?? , 140x100cm, oil on canvas, 2019 | Dziękuję!Thank you! ,140x100cm, oil on canvas, 2017 | Nowe życieNew life, 140x100cm, oil on canvas, 2017 |
Nie ma już dziadkaThere is no grandfather anymore, oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2017 | 30 maj.Komu pójdziesz na skargę?May 30. Who will you complain to?, oil on canvas,50x70cm, 2017 | O Boże, są tacy ludzie.Oh, God, there are such people.,oil on canvas, 40x55cm, 2017 |
Ważne,że my żyjemy ,a resztę osraćIt is important that we live and the rest will be rubbed off ,140x80cm, oil on canvas, 2017 | 100 lat samotności100 years of solitude, 140x100, oil on canvas, 2018 | Mamo? Kocham to co mamMom? I love what I have, 90x70cm, oil on canvas, 2016 |
Ping-pongPing-pong, 140x100cm, oil on canvas, 2019 | Małżeństwo SzymielewiczMarried Szymielewicz, 100x73cm, oil on canvas, 2016 | Niby źle,a jednak dobrzeIt's kind of bad, but yet pretty good, 130x100cm , oil on canvas, 2017 |
PiknikPicnic, 150x100cm, oil on canvas, 2015 | Cieszymy się radością życiaWe enjoy the hapiness of life, 150x85cm, oil on canvas, 2020 | Dziękuje za wszystko i nicThanks for everything and nothing. , 100x73cm, oil on canvas, 2016 |
Tryptyk FraniaThe triptych Frania, 320x130cm, oil on canvas, 2014 | Frania IFrania I, 100x130cm, oil on canvas, 2015 | Frania IIFrania II, 100x120cm, oil on canvas, 2014 |
Frania IIIFrania III, 100x120cm, oil on canvas, 2014 | Temat rzekaThis is a very broad topic, 100x73cm, oil on canvas, 2017 | Na działce JanJohn in his allotment, 50x70cm, oil on canvas, 2015 |
KosiarzThe mower , 150x100cm, oil on canvas, 2011 | Z ranaIn the morning, 150x100cm, oil on canvas, 2014 | U rodzinyAt family's, 40x40cm, oil on canvas, 2010 |
Czekając na wrzątekWaiting for the water to boil, 100x73cm, oil on canvas, 2016 | BlokA block of flats, 60x50cm, oil on canvas, 2010 | Niedzielna kawaThe sunday's coffee, 80x80cm, oil on canvas, 2013 |
M3M3, 60x50cm, oil on canvas, 2010 | RybaFish, 70x50cm, oil on canvas, 2010 | W drodzeOn the way, 100x70cm, oil on canvas, 2017 |
Król WacekWacek the king, 100x70cm, oil on canvas, 2017 | MachlojkiThe monkey business, 70x50cm, oil on canvas, 2016 | BabybornBabyborn, 100x70cm, oil on canvas, 2016 |
Placki ziemniaczanePotato pancakes, 60x50cm, oil on canvas, 2009 | Cha ha haCha ha ha, 60x50cm, oil on canvas, 2016 | Jan KowalskiJan Kowalski, 60x50cm, oil on canvas, 2010 |
I tak warto żyćSo worth living, 100x100cm, oil on canvas, 2011 | MakiPoppy flowers, 100x70cm, oil on canvas, 2016 | KartofelThe potato, 100x65cm, oil on canvas, 2016 |
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